N.A.D.E.A provides clients with the opportunity to utilize a number of budgeting courses. These courses are specifically designed for those who need help setting up and sticking to their own personalized month to month budget.
More About Community Stabilization
Foreclosures and bank owned properties hurt communities severely. NADEA acquires these properties, brings them up to our high standards, and provides the opportunity for families to purchase.
Providing educational content on topics like saving, credit, debt, loans, privacy and investing.
N.A.D.E.A.’s free credit tips serve as a valuable resource that can help provide you with easy credit rebuilding. In utilizing these tips, consumers have been able to see a huge improvement in the way they think about their finances.
NADEA has successfully completed more than 400 property stabilization transactions since starting the Neighborhood revitalization project.
National Association for Debt Education & Assistance
We are a personalized non-profit organization with over 60 years of experience providing financial counseling and education services. The certified credit counselors at N.A.D.E.A. have helped hundreds of thousands of clients regain control of their lives through financial education and stability. We design options for each individual client based on their unique financial situations. N.A.D.E.A. is located in Park Ridge, Illinois and counsels clients throughout the United States.
Our Certified Financial Counselors provide free consultations that include a budget analysis and open dialogue about your unique financial situation. Seeing where your money goes on a monthly basis is an imperative first step.
After that, you’ll work with a counselor to decide the best road for you to take. In many cases, the budget analysis can make major headway in solving the problem. In some cases, additional education and guidance is required.

Our Customers Love Us.
Here Are A Few Reasons Why.
“I really and truly cannot thank you enough for the help that you gave me. I think that N.A.D.E.A. is doing a great job helping people, and I thank you again, and again for helping me.”
“Thanks for making this year much better than I have ever dreamed possible. We now have some money available to have Christmas for my kids thanks to your financial assistance.”
N.A.D.E.A. designs options to assist you with your unique financial situation.
So what are you waiting for? See if you qualify for assistance today!